Music Director Jacques Lacombe has been invested into the Order of Canada, the centerpiece of Canada’s honors system.
The Star-Ledger features the NJSO’s classical season-finale concerts among its “Top 5 NJ shows this week.” and Inside Jersey include Jacques Lacombe in “The 100+ Club” of the most influential people in New Jersey.
Newark Deputy Mayor Margarita Muñiz and city historian Clement A. Price join the NJSO for Heroes Night on May 30.
Inside Jersey includes Jacques Lacombe in “The 100+ Club” of the most influential people in New Jersey.
Westfield’s Gallery U Boutique will host the NJSO’s Art Strings fundraiser on Sunday, May 18, from 2 to 4 pm.
The NJSO’s dance-themed UJA Benefit Concert takes the top spot in The Star-Ledger’s “Top 5 NJ shows this week.”
“[The] finale built to a grand conclusion, with the orchestra forceful, fervent and in gratifying accord with its guest.”
The Star-Ledger names violin superstar Joshua Bell’s May 9 performance with the NJSO among the week’s “7 best.”
View photos from the NJSO’s second annual Saturday Night Out post-concert event for LGBT community members and friends.
The NJSO President & CEO shared insights—and viola jokes—at Morris Arts’ Great Conversations event.
The Star-Ledger raves about the NJSO’s program featuring Anthony McGill; the NJSO repeats the program tonight and tomorrow at NJPAC.