NJ.com features Music and Wellness performance

June 13, 2016

NJ.com writes:

The story of The Jungle Book came to life thanks to a concert at Hunterdon Medical Center on Friday.

Children watched in awe at the family-friendly concert put on by the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra. The production featured a mixture of a narration and music and was told with the help of puppets and props. Afterwards, the ensemble held a question and answer session.

The show was possible thanks to funding from Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield in partnership with the hospital. When Horizon offered the opportunity for the orchestra to perform, Kathleen Seelig, the hospital's director of Marketing and Public Relations, thought it was a perfect fit. 

"We have volunteer musicians come to the hospital who are not certified music therapist, but come and play for patients," Seelig said. "We feel music is soothing and relaxes people so that's part of our wellness because it does help in the healing process."

The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra's Music and Wellness program kicked off in September and is expected to provide 190 events across the state serving more than 22,000 people.

It's mission is about community engagement and serving the state.

"It's about customizing and tailoring to each audience to lift people's spirits, because we know music does that," said Marshell Jones Kumahor, the orchestra's vice president of education and community engagement.

View NJ.com’s photos from the concert.

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