Put a violin in the hands of a child

Mar 15, 2016

Mia Fernandez loves playing the violin, and you can help make that possible for many more children!

Mia3.jpgMy name is Mia Fernandez, and I’m a seventh grader in Newark. I have been playing the violin for seven years. I learn so much and have so much fun playing in front of crowds and working with new people each week. It all goes by so fast! The main reason I’m sharing my story is to tell you that my time with the NJSO is amazing.


Being a part of the NJSO family is important to me. I like how everyone is so eager to play and how any time someone is having trouble the person next to them helps. For me, the best thing about making music is that I’m able to make people happy when they listen. Music tells a story and lets people use their imagination. I hope to keep studying and having the best time ever.


You make programs like these possible!

In addition to developing skills that can help improve academic achievement, the Orchestra’s education and community engagement programs expand participants’ abilities to interact with others, solve problems and strive toward a goal. We witness the power music has to make a lifelong impact on more than 45,000 young people—including those with special needs, their families and their educators—each season.

You can make it possible for the NJSO to provide these transformational opportunities to students like Mia and truly change lives in a meaningful way. Your support is more important than ever.

Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar through March! Make a gift today.
